This step is rather straight forward and If you require further clarification, please refer to the appropriate guide from Juniper Network’s Website.
First of all, Copy the JunOS Software into a USB FAT32 Formatted drive.
Make sure you have checked the integrity of the file by runnning md5sum, and compare it with the one listed on Juniper Network's Website.
nish@WS /media/nish/JunOS $ <strong>md5sum junos-srxsme-11.4R9.4-domestic.tgz</strong>
ac7a405477544d4a81b382f9816931d2 junos-srxsme-11.4R9.4-domestic.tgz
nish@WS /media/nish/JunOS $
Go into the Shell prompt by issuing the command nish@iNET> start shell if you are not already in there
Check the devices to see before plugging in the USB Drive containing JunOS.
% <strong>ls /dev/da*</strong>
/dev/da0 /dev/da0s1c /dev/da0s2c /dev/da0s3e /dev/da0s4a
/dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s3 /dev/da0s3f /dev/da0s4c
/dev/da0s1a /dev/da0s2a /dev/da0s3c /dev/da0s4
Plug in the USB Drive and you should see a similar message. As you can see the Device is da1
% umass1: CBM Flash Disk, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 4
da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 target 0 lun 0
da1: <cbm Flash Disk 5.00> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
da1: 1001MB (2050560 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 1001C)
Issue the following command again to see the partitions. This shows the JunOS is in /dev/da1s1
% <strong>ls /dev/da*</strong>
/dev/da0 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s3c /dev/da0s4a
/dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2a /dev/da0s3e /dev/da0s4c
/dev/da0s1a /dev/da0s2c /dev/da0s3f /dev/da1
/dev/da0s1c /dev/da0s3 /dev/da0s4 /dev/da1s1
Make the following Directory /var/tmp/Flash and mount /dev/da1s1 in there.
Make sure you are in root, otherwise it will not work.
root@iNET% <strong>mkdir /var/tmp/Flash/</strong>
root@iNET% <strong>mount_msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /var/tmp/Flash/</strong>
Check and confirm the file, then copy JunOS into /var/tmp
root@iNET% <strong>ls /var/tmp/Flash/</strong>
root@iNET% <strong>cp /var/tmp/Flash/junos-srxsme-11.4R9.4-domestic.tgz /var/tmp/</strong>
Go into CLI root@iNET% cli and issue the command
nish@iNET> <strong>request system software add /var/tmp/junos-srxsme-11.4R9.4-domestic.tgz no-validate no-copy partition unlink reboot</strong>
If all goes well, it should reboot with the newly install JunOS
--- JUNOS 11.4R9.4 built 2013-08-22 06:58:13 UTC